Club Melange

Club Melange is a new club in Vienna with English speaking events for the international community.

Book Offer: An Insider’s Food Guide to Austria

Our friend of the expat family, Melissa Leich, has written and produced an ebook An Insider’s Food Guide to Austria, and she has kindly offered to give you guys a 20% discount on the 17.90 EUR cover price. To get your 20% discount simply use code “FOODIELOVE“ at check out Melissa created this beautiful, inspiring…

Why Austria goes wild for Wild

Austrian cuisine is still very seasonal – which is a very welcome change to the globalization-related all-year-round strawberries and other items which used to be seasonal. Usually family-run restaurants will have a chalk board that proclaims something being in season – be it asparagus (Spargel), goose (Martinigänsl), grape must (Sturm), or as currently is the…


What’s the tradition about? The evenings are drawing in, now that autumn/fall is here. One of the typical treats of this time of year is the Martinigansl season in Late October to mid November. In Austria Martinigansl is the goose served to celebrate St. Martin of Tours.


When the summer draws to a close for another year – and the outdoor venues pull down their shutters at the end of the season, all is not lost. The golden season comes first – the season of young wine, pumpkins, goose and early Christmas markets. We all know and love Austrian wine, cheap and cheerful, sophisticated…