Barbecue dates for 2024

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The team have made barbecue reservations from Spring, through summer and into the autumn. We have barbecues organised for the dates below, at the following barbecue sites on the Donau Island. We are of course subject to any drought restrictions.

Rules: Bring something to eat (to cook on the grill 🙂 ), something to drink and a friendly smile

Cost: None, Vienna Expats events are generally free

Locations are on the Donau Island as directed, and generally have a toilet facility close by.
In the high summer bring a towel and go swimming in the Neue Donau

Information about the respective locations: Grillplatz sites for 0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12

April 14th – Platz 3 (JT)
April 21st – Platz 0 (AT)
May 1st – Platz 2 (JT)
May 5th – Platz 3 (JT)
May 20th – Platz 11 (AT)
May 26th – Platz 0 (JT)
June 16th – Platz 0 (JT)
June 30th – Platz 0 (JT)
July 21st – Platz 6 (AT)
September 1st – Platz 4 (JT)
September 8th – Platz 6 (AT)
September 22nd – Platz 12 (AT)
September 29th – Platz 12 (JT)
October 13th – Platz 12 (JT)
October 20th – Platz 12 (JT)